Sunday, April 03, 2005

Breaking out of the Religious Straight Jacket

Breaking out of the Religious Straight Jacket - Mark 2:1-3:6

Introduction: Martin Luther hiked 700 miles to Rome. He climbed the Palace steps on his knees and said the Lord's Prayer on each step. As he reached the top he thought, "Who knows if it's true?".

Read Mark 2:5-11 The Paralyzed Man

Pastor's Quote:
"Religion is man's attempt to know God though man's own will"

I. Religion is sterile while Christianity is spiritual
Religion says things like:
    Can't use different Bible Translations
    Can't appreciate different styles of music
    People are condemned based on their outward appearance

II. Religion is filled with pride, Christianity loves people. (Mark 2:16-17)

III. Religion focuses on form, Christianity focuses on function. (Mark 2:19)

IV. Religion is based on rules, Christianity is based on relationships. (Mark 2:23-38)
Pastor's Quote:
"Rules without a relationship always results in rebellion."

V. Religion is fault-finding, Christianity is faith-building. (Mark 3:1-6)

God's Grace is FREE!