Sunday, January 29, 2006

Morning Service - Success In Spite of Circumstances

Here is the audio file for this sermon:

Success in spite of cirumstances audio

(Click to play in default browser or right click and choose "save link as..." to download and save)

Genesis 39:23

Two of Life’s Laws:
    A. Things don’t always go as planned.
    B. Many circumstances are uncontrollable.

What counts in life is not your circumstances, but your character.

Two facts we learn from the life of Joseph:

Fact #1. Sometimes life stinks!
Joseph was:
    Rejected at home - Genesis 37:4; 21-22; 26-27
    Seduced and Slandered at work - Genesis 39:7-10;17
    Forgotten by friends - Genesis 40:14;23

Fact #2. I can rise above my circumstances.
Three times in Geneses we read “the Lord was with Joseph”.
Joseph teaches me to:
    Fulfill my responsibilities - Genesis 39:6 - 39:22-23 - 41:38 - Luke 16:10
    Maintain my integrity - Genesis 39:8-9
    Trust God’s sovereignty - Genesis 45:7-8

Two of Life’s Lessons:
    1. Pain often has a hidden purpose.
    2. God often redirects our lives through a failure, a mistake, a disappointment, or broken dream.