Sunday, September 16, 2007

09-16-07 AM If God Owns It All, What Am I Doing With It?

Here is the link for the audio of this file: If God Owns It All

(Click to play or right click and choose "save link as..." to download and save)

The Missing Piece to Successful Living: If God Owns It All, What Am I Doing With It?

Principle #1 God owns it ALL

1.God has a RIGHT to do whatever He wants with the POSSESSIONS He has given me.
2.Every SPENDING decision is a SPIRITUAL decision.

Principle #2: God uses money and POSSESSIONS to PREPARE us for His coming kingdom.

Money and possessions are a very effective TOOL that God uses in our lives.

A mature Christian-"God what do you want me to LEARN?"
An immature Christian-"God, what are you DOING to me?"

How we handle our blessings HERE determines our rewards THERE. (Matthew 6:19)
Money and possessions are a very effective TESTIMONY that God uses in our lives.

Too many people live for the world that is PASSING instead of the world that is PERMANENT.

Principle #3: The AMOUNT Is Not Important.

Principle #4: Stewardship requires ACTION.