Sunday, April 13, 2008

04-13-08 PM - Coming to the Table of Self-Examination

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Coming to the Table of Self-Examination

(Right click and select save as source to save to your hard drive.)

A. The Corinthian Church was a DIVIDED Church.

The church should never have CLASS lines or RACIAL lines WITHIN the body.

B. The Corinthian Church was to turn JUDGMENT into a time of CELEBRATION.

1. We must rightly judge the bread and cup to be the EMBLEMS that REPRESENT the body and blood of Jesus.

2. We must rightly judge the body of Christ to be the LOCAL CHURCH.

3. We must rightly judge the bread and cup to be other brothers and sisters OUTSIDE this CHURCH.

4. We must rightly judge the bread and cup to represent those who have GONE on BEFORE us in the LORD.