Sunday, December 07, 2008

12-07-08 PM - Remember ...

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Remember...

1) Remember WHY - Why remember the gospel?
The gospel…

A) Brings Salvation—Rom. 1:16
Romans ROAD:

No one person is MORE or LESS deserving of God’s grace. 
We don’t just equally receive it—we equally NEED it.

C)Renews & Encourages Me
Hearing the gospel will renew and strengthen my FAITH! Hearing it reminds me of my decision to follow Christ!

D) Causes Me To Tell
“Gospel” is a VERB in the Greek meaning “to announce good news”.

2) Remember WHAT - Read the gospels and remember what Christ did for you!!!!

3) Remember WHO - was Jesus who suffered and ultimately died for you!!!