Sunday, June 07, 2009

06-07-09 AM - Restoring the Wrecks

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Restoring the Wrecks

2 Corinthians 2:5-11

Three Questions to Ask:
  1. What did it mean to those it was written to?
  2. What does it mean to believers in general?
  3. What does it say to me?
THE ISSUE: Someone sinned and was confronted.
  1. The three step process to deal with sin in the church.
    If there is sin or offence in the church go to the individual and try to correct it.
  2. If the individual refuses to repent take another individual with you and address him.
  3. If the individual does not repent then take the matter before the church and expel him from the fellowship if there is still no repentance.

This last step could be handled with a group of elders or deacons in a large church.

General rules of confession:
  1. Private sin private confession.
  2. Public sin public confession.
THE RESULT: The guilty repented.

The words “I’m sorry” originally meant – I’m experiencing sorrow over what I did.
In today’s world we use the words “I’m sorry” way to freely don’t we?

True repentance always breaks the heart over the sin committed, and the hurt caused to others causes you to sorrow.

THE GOAL: Restore the repentant

1. Forgive because you have been forgiven.

To truly forgive we are saying:
a. This will never again hinder our relationship.
b. I will never bring this issue up again out side of this circle.
c. Every time this issue resurfaces in my memory I will repeat the act of forgiveness.

2. Love because you have been loved.

THE IMPACT: Satan hates restoration.

The word schemes is the Gk word methodia – method.
  1. Division
  2. Lies