05-14-06 AM - How to Gain Wisdom
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How to Gain Wisdom - Audio
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Grandma’s wisdom:
You are special (Psalm 139:13-18)
Manners matter (Eph. 6:7)
Treat others the way you want to be treated (Matthew 7:12)
Your life can be what you want it to be (Philippians 14:13)
One day at a time (Matthew 6:34)
Don’t limit yourself
Decisions are too important to leave to chance (Proverbs 3:6)
Nothing waists more energy than worry (Proverbs 12:25)
The longer you carry a problem, the heavier it gets (Matt. 11:29)
Say I’m sorry (Phil. 2:3)
Clean up after yourself
A little love goes a long way (I Peter 4:8)
Friendship is always a good investment (Luke 11:5)
Don’t take things to seriously (Proverbs 15:13)
Persian Proverb
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool; shun him
He who knows not, and he knows he knows not, is a child; teach him
He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep; wake him
He that knows, and knows that he knows, is wise; follow him
Wisdom =
1. The ability to DISCERN what is true, right, or lasting an ACTING ACCORDINGLY.
2. The opposite of FOOLISHNESS.
Becoming a Wise Person
1. Understand wisdom’s VALUE. (I Kings 3:9 Prov. 3:13-16)
2. Have a healthy FEAR of God. (Proverbs 9:10)
3. Seek wise COUNSEL. (Prov. 12:15; 13:20; I Cor. 15:33)
4. Learn HUMILITY. (Prov. 11;2, Phil. 2:3, I Pet. 5:5)
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