08-07-11 AM Sermon - It's Time to Make a Change
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It’s Time To Make A ChangeWe Are the People Who Can Do It!
Faith Sets Us Free
- We must see Jesus
- Realize we are represented by Him
- Jesus was the perfect sacrifice made for us
- He now ministers on our behalf in a Heavenly Sanctuary
Our Offering
- Worship
- Praise
- Love
- Prayers
- Service
- Our Offering
- To know that nothing we do reaches God’s Throne through our imperfect state – it takes Jesus!
- A greater promise
- We have God’s Grace
- We have a better covenant (contract)
The Work of the Holy Spirit
- It is the life’s blood of the new covenant (contract)
- The Holy Spirit is our convicting power
- I don’t need to remind my brother of his obligations
- The Work of the Holy Spirit
- The new covenant (contract) is concerned with the intent of the law not the letter of the law
- The new covenant gets involved by putting His
- Will
- Word
- Way
- Into our hearts and minds by the Holy Spirit
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