Sunday, June 20, 2010

06-20-10 PM - Virtuous Reality Part 1

Click here (or right click and select "save as") to download "Virtuous Reality Part 1"
Building Lasting Relationships: Virtuous Realities Ruth

“virtuous realities” i.e. Realities that are based on virtue – not luck, fate or even wishful thinking.

Your obedience to God’s plan opens his provision for your life.

I. God faithfully orchestrates His plan for our lives. (1:22)

He moved at the right time.

“They arrived in Bethlehem at the beginning of the barley harvest” [1: 22]

“Now Naomi had a relative on her husband’s side named Boaz.” [2:1]

He moved in the right place.

“She happened to be in the portion of land belonging to Boaz” [2:3]

Someone has wisely observed that nothing “just happens” with God. Or there is no wasted motion in the Kingdom.                                                      

He moved in the right ways.

“Boaz asked…whose young woman is this?” [2:5]

II. God prepares and guards His provision in advance – 2:1.

“He was a prominent man of noble character from Elimelech’s family”
He was wealthy.
He was strong.
Boaz means “strength.”
He was a considerate employer [2:4].
“The Lord be with you”  “The Lord bless you”
He was a virtuous man [2:1]. The phrase, “of noble character” literally means “good virtue.”              
He was a man of faith [2:4, 12].
“Your obedience to God’s plan opens His provision for your life.”

III. God directs the paths of the righteous  2:2-3.
She believed in the Lord God [1:16]
She waited patiently [1:22].
She lived virtuously [2:2].
She was sensitive to God’s leading [2:3].

God blessed with:
An unexpected provision.
An unseen Presence.
An unlimited power.
barley harvest” [1: 22]