Sunday, October 16, 2005


Psalm 139:23

I. Recognize the presence of sin in your flesh.
Psalm 19:12; Haggai 1:5 & 7; I Kings 8:38
    It’s not that bad.
    That’s just the way I am.
    They're just quirky.
    I only feel this way toward one person.

Sin is wicked and deceitful.

II. A heart fixed on God.
Psalm 57:7

III. Meditate on the word.
The word is a weed killer.

IV. Commune with God in prayers.
Romans 7; Psalm 16:8
“He who pleads with God for remission of
sin, also pleads with his own heart to
detest it.” John Owens.

V. Cultivate obedience.
Philippians 3:12; I Peter 1:22