Sunday, May 31, 2009

05-31-09 AM - Pentecost Has Come

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Pentecost Has Come

Pentecost Has Come1. THE PERFECT TIMING OF THE SPIRIT.Acts 2:1 Lev 23:15-17

Pentecost is about the harvest


A. The sound of violent wind. Acts 2:2 John 3:8

B. What seemed to be tongues of fire. Acts 2:3 Ex 19:17-19,

Pentecost is empowerment for evangelism, not a badge of spirituality or an ID card for an exclusive religious group.

C. Speaking in other tongues. Acts 2:4; 2:17-18; Acts 2:39; Num 11:29

2. THE REACTION OF THE CROWDS. Acts 2:5 Acts 1:8.

A. Some are receptive. Acts 2:12

It is very limiting to reject something God is doing simply because we’ve never seen it before.

B. Others were resistant. Acts 2:13

Sunday, May 24, 2009

05-24-09 PM - Getting Along In The Kingdom

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Getting Along In The Kingdom

2 Corinthians 1:23-2:14

1. We All Get Hurt

Matthew 18:15

2. Church Leaders should not dominate believers

  • Leadership job description - 1 Peter 5:2-3
  • Love them; Lead them; Feed them. Care and compassion brings results.
  • One of the most crippling heresies to ever attack the church is the idea of the hierarchy of the clergy.
  • Someone once said Jesus lead with a towel, not a title.

3. Working together produces joy.





4. Love is the glue that keeps us

05-24-09 AM - A Voice From The Grave

Here is the link for the audio of this file: A Voice From The Grave

A Voice From The GraveHebrews 11:4

I. Abel Speaks To Us Of The Effects Of Sin. Jam.1:15-18
Sin will take you further than you want to go. Keep you longer than you wanted to stay, and ask a price impossible for you to pay.

II. Abel Speaks to Us Of The Shortness Of Life… Jam.4:13-14. Ps.90:10. Ps.90:12.

III. Abel Speaks To Us Of The Salvation Of A Life…
1. Abel stands as a testimony of a life that refused to offer less than his best!
2. Abel stands as a testimony of one more Satan couldn’t get! Rom.6:23

IV. Abel Speaks To Us Of The Influence Of A Life… Rev.14:13

“Eternity is a long time – when we all get over there we’ll have plenty of time to be together”.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

05-17-09 PM - Eliminate the Distractions

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Eliminate the Distraction




I want you to notice Isaiah's 3-fold vision:

1.) When the man who had taken care of him died, Isaiah turned again to the Lord, and it was then that he received his vision!
2.) And, finally, after he saw God and himself, he got a vision of the world that he was sent to witness to.
3.) After Isaiah saw the Lord, he saw himself!

B) THE JOB POSITION IS OPEN, AND THE ADVERTISEMENT HAS GONE FORTH!Matthew 28:19; Mark 16:15; Matt.9:37-38; Acts 1:8

The job? Reach the lost at any cost!
The Pay? Matthew 16:26-27
The benefits? Romans 14:17

05-17-09 AM - Emergency Room

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Emergency Room

Emergency Room

May 17th, 2009

Mt. 9:9-12 (focusing mainly on vs. 12)

1)Watch the Doctor

A)Doctor Jesus always gets close to the sick

Jesus was always accused of being too close to “sinners”. Don’t be so religiously minded that you’re no heavenly good.

B)I need to be whole

“healthy” means “strong, able, powerful, might, to be healthy”. Robust and vigorous health!

How to maintain my health:

1)Visit the Physician (Jesus) – Worship Services, Devotional Times, Corporate Prayer

2)Exercise Daily –Prayer is your spiritual cardio – it’s good for your heart!

3)Eat Right – Devour the Word of God! Digest it. Meditate on it. Journal about it. Memorize it.

These will build your spirit-man!

2)Offer A Cure, Not Just a Diagnosis

A)Prescription of Faith

At some point faith must take root in our heart, moving us to action!

One of the things that turns the world off to Christianity and Jesus is offering a diagnosis without a cure. Most people have never seen what Jesus looks like in others, so we have to do more than tell them they need Him – we have to tangibly show them who He is!

B)Put Your Heart Into It

A person can tell if you feel obligated to “convert” them, or if you really want to show them the amazing Jesus that found and restored you!

3)Your Time To Be The Doctor to a Dying World Starts Now

You have inside of you all the power and authority and wisdom that Jesus has to offer. You are sons of God (Gal. 3:26).

You are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37).

Philippians 4:13, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

Sunday, May 10, 2009

05-10-09 PM - The Guarantee of Salvation

Here is the link for the audio of this file: The Guarantees of Salvation
1. GOD GUARANTEES OUR STABILITY – We stand firm in Jesus. Vs 21 it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ.

A. We can stand straight in an out of kilter world.
B. We have courage to stand against the attacks.Eph. 6:13 Luke 21:36 1Co 10:13

2. GOD GUARANTEES OUR IDENTITY – We are sealed with His name.22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

A. We are marked to display His ownership.Eph 1:4 1Pe 2:9
B. God secures us to give us assurance Eph 4:30

3. GOD GUARANTEES OR DESTINY – He has given us the deposit of His Spirit.22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

A. The Spirit is God’s down payment in His process of changing us!Romans 8:29 Phil.1:6
B. The spirit is God’s earnest promise that the best is yet to come!1 Cor. 2:9

05-10-09 AM - Ruth: A Loyal Love Story

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Ruth: A Loyal Love Story

Lessons from Ruth
1.Surrender to God’s Sovereignty.
2. Cultivate your character.
3. Receive the Redeemer.
4. Be faithful to your place in the family tree (Your Genealogy)

You make an excellent you and a terrible someone else.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

05-03-09 PM - 5 Questions Where God Answers Yes

Here is the link for the audio of this file: 5 Questions God Would Say Yes To

1. God, do You really love me?
2. God, can You forgive me of all my sin?
3. God, do You have a plan for my life?
4. God, what do You want me to say to You?
5. God, do You want me to obey You?

05-03-09 AM - Remove Not The Old Landmarks

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Remove Not The Old Landmarks

1. The Landmark of Prayer
A. Prayer is very essential. James 5:13-16, Luke 18:1-8, Lev. 6:8-13
B. Our Lord set the example for prayer. Matt 26:36-45

2. The Landmark of Faith. Romans 10:17, Heb. 11:1-6, Jude vs. 3

3. The Landmark of the Holy Spirit’s Power

Pentecostal Power: Luke 24:49, Act 1:4, Acts 1:8, Matt. 28:19