Sunday, December 18, 2005


Matthew 1-8;16-18

When it comes to Jesus Christ, there is no sitting on the fence.
    Ally or Enemy
    Friend or Foe
    Everything or Nothing
How will we respond to Christ?

1. We can reject Him because of fear (2:3), or receive Him through faith. (Matthew 8:26)

2. We can reject Him because of uncertainty, or receive Him through conviction.

3. We can reject Him because of pride, or receive Him through humility.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Acts 4:23-31

Four Principles of Prayer:

#1. Pray in unity. (Acts 4:23-25)
Ephesians 6:18

3 E-s:
    Evangelize - the lost
    Edify - one another
    Exalt - Jesus Christ

#2. Pray with authority. (Acts 4:24-28)
    - For the unchurched.
    - For the sick.
    - For financial needs.

#3. Pray with intensity. (Acts 4:29-30)
Ezekiel 33:8-9
Focused on unsaved, not self.

#4. Pray expectantly. (Acts 4:31)
Expectancy is birthed out of
mature faith.