09-28-08 AM - Stewarding Your Family, Part 2
Here is the link for the audio of this file: Stewarding Your Family, Pt. 2
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- The Christian Home is to be lived in the very presence and atmosphere of the Lord.
- The Christian Home is to be governed by the Lord. And the decisions are to be made in light of His will.
- The Christian Home is not to have two partners but three Christ, the husband and the wife.
- Rage, and anger (violent, explosive anger from boiling emotions)
- Brawling, slander, (loud boisterous arguing or quarreling)
- and along with every form of malice (hurtful injurious speech).
- Procreation (Genesis1:28)
- Companionship (Genesis 2:18)
- Sexual fulfillment 1 Corinthians 7:4-5, Hebrews 13:4
- To be arranged under the authority of someone voluntarily to ensue victory
- Has to do with our attitude toward leadership
- The Kingdom of god is discredited when we walk outside of the authority structure He has designed
- Sanctify means: to make holy Or set apart for a special service.
- The word the NASB translates dishonored is the same word that is translated “blasphemed”.
- We are to love them in such a way that we allow them to remain pure.
- We will protect our wives in every way.
- We will always be looking out for her best interests.
- A man who will never lift a finger to help his wife is a man who loves himself more than his wife. No wonder she does not want to submit to him!
- We should not have a negative thing to tell other people about our wives, we are not to talk about them behind their backs because that dishonors them.
- Agape love will do what is best for the one loved,
- God did this in sending His one and only Son just for us.
- Whoever gives your children praise and attention has power over them.