Sunday, January 29, 2006

Evening Service - Girded Loins

Here is the link for the sermon audio:

Girded Loins Auido

(Click to play in default browser or right click and choose "save link as..." to download and save)

Ephesians 6:14

I. Self Control

A. Priorities, Exodus 12:1-14
1. Robes
2. Sandals
3. Staff

Simple steps but necessary steps.
Salvation causes us to prioritize.

B. Prepared, I Peter 1:13, GIRD K.J.V.
Our priorities give clear evidence of what we are perpared for.
Spiritual people should have spiritual priorities. Self Control.

“As long as the devil can keep us terrified of thinking, he will always limit the work of God in our souls.” Oswald Chambers

We prepare by obedience, not feeling.

“When you fear God you fear nothing else.” Oswald Chambers

II. Stability

A. Power: Doing all the small things allows us to have the power to do God's will.
(ESV) Luke 16:10, “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much.”

B. Purity: Ephesians 6:14
Girded Loins speaks of integrity or truth
Girdle - Held the soldier armor together

“If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of itself.”

Morning Service - Success In Spite of Circumstances

Here is the audio file for this sermon:

Success in spite of cirumstances audio

(Click to play in default browser or right click and choose "save link as..." to download and save)

Genesis 39:23

Two of Life’s Laws:
    A. Things don’t always go as planned.
    B. Many circumstances are uncontrollable.

What counts in life is not your circumstances, but your character.

Two facts we learn from the life of Joseph:

Fact #1. Sometimes life stinks!
Joseph was:
    Rejected at home - Genesis 37:4; 21-22; 26-27
    Seduced and Slandered at work - Genesis 39:7-10;17
    Forgotten by friends - Genesis 40:14;23

Fact #2. I can rise above my circumstances.
Three times in Geneses we read “the Lord was with Joseph”.
Joseph teaches me to:
    Fulfill my responsibilities - Genesis 39:6 - 39:22-23 - 41:38 - Luke 16:10
    Maintain my integrity - Genesis 39:8-9
    Trust God’s sovereignty - Genesis 45:7-8

Two of Life’s Lessons:
    1. Pain often has a hidden purpose.
    2. God often redirects our lives through a failure, a mistake, a disappointment, or broken dream.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Evening Service - Curve Ahead

Part 3 in the Righteous Road Signs Series

Here is the link for the audio of this sermon:

Righteous Road Signs - Curve Ahead Audio

(Click to play in default browser or right click and choose "save link as..." to download and save)

James 5:10-11

Three Steps I Need to Take:

Step #1. Preparation
    a. Understand who God is and what He does. (Know His heart).
    b. Spend time in prayer, fellowship, and the Word. II Timothy 3:16-17
Step #2. Application
    a. God’s love never changes.
    b. Seek wisdom, understanding, and healing.
    Serenity Prayer
    c. Respond honestly to God. Psalm 94:18-19
Step #3. Revitalization
    a. There is an end in sight. Psalm 23:4 I Peter !:6
    b. Allow your experience to strengthen you and others. II Corinthians 1:3-5
    c. Keep going back to Step #1.

Morning Service - Baby Day Sermon

Here is the link for the audio of this sermon:

Baby Day Service Audio

(Click to play in default browser or right click and choose "save link as..." to download and save)

There are no sermon notes for this day.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Evening Service - Yield

Part 2 in the Righteous Road Signs Series

You can download the audio of the sermon here:

Righteous Road Signs - Yield Audio

(Click to play in default browser or right click and choose "save link as..." to download and save)

Romans 6:16

    I. Admit God’s way is best. Isaiah 55:8-9

    2. Surrender to God’s control.
    Song: I Surrender All - “All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give.”
    Romans 6:12-13

    3. Obey God’s Directives.
    Luke 6:49
    a. I experience succcess

    b. I experience satisfaction - Galatians 6:4

    c. I experience security - Psalm 125:1-2

    d. I experience sanctification - Ephesians 5:18


You can download the audio of the sermon here:

Secret of Success Audio

(Click to play in default browser or right click and choose "save link as..." to download and save)

Acts 13:22

Four tests of a great heart:

I. The SIN test: David had a repentant heart.
Psalm 51:1-3;17
You don’t have to be perfect to have a heart after God.

Rate yourself - on a scale of 1-10, how quickly do you repent when you know you have sinned?

II. The STRESS test: David had a trusting heart.
Psalm 118:5-6 Psalm 62:5-8
Courage is moving on in spite of your fear.

Rate yourself - on a scale of 1-10, how much do you trust God to handle all situations?

III. The SERVICE test: David had a servant's heart.
Acts 13:22 II Samuel 24:24

Rate yourself - on a scale of 1-10, how quickly do you respond when God asks something of you?

IV. The SUCCESS test: David had a humble heart.
I Samuel 18:14 Psalm 115:1
David gave all the credit and glory to God.

Rate yourself - on a scale of 1-10, does God receive the Glory in your life or do you?

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Hebrews 11:23-27

Verse 24 - Identity
Verse 25 - Responsbility
Verse 26 - Priority
Verse 27 - Difficulty

I. Discover what God made me to be (vs. 24)
    Refuse - disown - reject
    leave no door open - Be yourself

II. Accept responsibility for my own life (vs. 25)
    a. I can’t live off other people's spirituality.
    b. I can’t blame others for the direction of my life.
    c. No one can ruin my life except me.

III. Establish a value system for my life.
    List five things that are most important to you.

    1. God’s purpose vs. popularity
    2. God’s people vs. pleasures
    3. God’s peace vs. possessions

IV. Never take your eyes off the goal.