Sunday, December 28, 2008

12-28-08 AM - Almost, But Not Yet

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Almost, But Not Yet

"Almost, But Not Yet"

Scripture:  I John 3:1-3    December 28, 2008 a.m. 

Waiting Tries our Patience & Tests our Faith.

   1. Must learn the discipline of waiting
   2. Where God wants us to be
   3. “I am in the perfect will of God.”
   4. Some things are out of our control


Waiting for Christ’s First Coming.

   1. Many prophecies foretold the Savior’s birth
   2. The righteous lived for centuries in expectation of the Messiah’s coming


Waiting for Christ’s Second Coming.

   1. “I will come back.”  (John 14:3)
   2. “Maranatha.”  (I Corinthians 16:22, KJV)
   3. “Behold, I am coming soon.”  (Revelation 22:7)
   4. Keeping sight of Christ’s soon return keeps us from:

    * A lost sense of urgency to serve God.

    * Focusing only on the here and now.
    * Letting the cares of this world trouble us.
    * Becoming like the world, that asks, "Where is this 'coming' he promised?”  (II Pet. 3:4)
    * Feeling abandoned by God.
    * Doubting other promises God gave us.
    * Losing hope. 


The Fruit of our Waiting.

   1. Hope for the “not yet”  (I John 3:2)

    * Live by faith not by sight (II Corinthians 5:7)

   2. Purify ourselves  (I John 3:3)
   3. Become more like Jesus every day (I John 3:3)
   4. Serve the Lord with gladness (Ephesians 5:16)

    * God “lavished” His love on us!  (I John 3:1)

   5. Live life to the fullest today (John 10:10)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

12-21-08 AM - The Sound of Christmas

Here is the link for the audio of this file: TheSound of Christmas

God says on Christmas:

1. “I Love You!”
2. “ I Want the Best For You!”
3. “ I Am With You!”

Sunday, December 07, 2008

12-07-08 PM - Remember ...

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Remember...

1) Remember WHY - Why remember the gospel?
The gospel…

A) Brings Salvation—Rom. 1:16
Romans ROAD:

No one person is MORE or LESS deserving of God’s grace. 
We don’t just equally receive it—we equally NEED it.

C)Renews & Encourages Me
Hearing the gospel will renew and strengthen my FAITH! Hearing it reminds me of my decision to follow Christ!

D) Causes Me To Tell
“Gospel” is a VERB in the Greek meaning “to announce good news”.

2) Remember WHAT - Read the gospels and remember what Christ did for you!!!!

3) Remember WHO - was Jesus who suffered and ultimately died for you!!!

12-07-08 AM - Breaking the Yoke of Bondage

Here is the link for the audio of this file: Breaking the Yoke of Bondage

There are no sermon notes available.