Why Do I Exist?
Why are we here, right now at this point in time??
873,000 people die yearly due to suicide.
Are you a product of random selection or is there a God who created you with a purpose?
- I. To be loved by God
Some people have a hard time believing someone loves them. Some don't want to believe there is a God.
Ephesians 1:4 and John 4:16
God's nature is love.
I John 4:10, Romans 5:8 and Isaiah 53:5-6
II. To be a member of God's family
Ephesians 1:5 and John 1:12
It's the best RIGHT we have.
III. To build God's Kingdom
Not a future kingdom nor an earthy kingdom but a spiritual kingdom. A kingdom of righteousness.
I Peter 2:9
It's our identity and our mission.
Matthew 28:19-20
This is for us personally as well as corporately (as a church body).
IV. To bring God glory
Colossiams 3:23 and Phillipians 2:14